知者不言,言者不知。 塞其兌,閉其門,挫其銳,解其紛,和其光,同其塵,是謂玄同。故不可得而親,不可得而疏;不可得而利,不可得而害;不可得而貴,不可得而賤。故為天下貴。
Gaining Oneness
Those whoknow do not speak,
those whospeak do not know.
Close the mouth and smoothen thebreathing,Shut all the doors of senses! Blunt all edges! Untie alltangles! harmonize the physical body with the real origin light! melt the visibleand invisible world into one whole! This is called coming back to the real home of mysticalunity..
Those achieving it goes beyondattachement and detachment,
beyond advantage and disadvantage,
beyond esteem and humility.
Hence this is the most valuable stateof a human being merging into Mother Creator.