第三十章 物壯則老
Extremes fall apart
Whoever advises aleader according to the Tao opposes conquest by force of arms. The use of forcetends to rebound.
Where armies march,thorns and brambles grow. After a great war, scarcity and famine follow.
Those wha are skillful of governing
Succed and then stop.
They dare not hold on with force.
A good general achieveshis purpose and stops, He dares not rely upon the strength of arms to take furtheradvantage of a victory.
They achieve theirpurposes, but do not glory in them. They achieve their purposes, but do notcelebrate them. They achieve their purposes, but do not take pride in them.They achieve their purpose but only as an unavoidable measure. He achieves hispurpose but does not aim to dominate.
Things reach theirprime and then decline, which means being contrary to the flourishing of Tao. Whatever is not fitted to the pattern of Tao will soon end.